CCMI Exam Fee Payment

You may submit a credit card payment for the Certified Case Manager Interventionist (CCMI) Examination Fee using this form.

You should only use this form if you have already completed and submitted the CCMI Application Packet

Do not use this form if you included the Exam Fee payment with your initial CCMI Application, and this is your first attempt at the CCMI Exam. You may use this form if this is your second or subsequent attempt to pass the CCMI Exam.

You will be automatically sent an email confirming this submission, to the email address that is included in this form, once you have selected the “Submit” button.

We will process this payment as soon as possible, typically within one business day.

Section 1: Candidate Information
Section 2: CCMI Exam Payment Information
Section 3: Optional / Additional Payment
Section 4: Credit Card and Payment Information