The Clinical Supervisor: Training Manual

You may use the following citation for this publication:
Breining Research and Education Foundation. (2010). The Clinical Supervisor: Training Manual for Clinical Supervisor Competency in the Addiction Treatment Setting. Orangevale, California: Breining Institute.


Contributing Authors

Section 1: Background Information

1.1 Effect of the Management Role on Managers: A Study
1.2 Financial Cost of Addictive Disorders

Section 2: Foundation Areas

2.1 Models of Supervision: A Brief Overview
2.2 Management Styles
2.3 Faith-­based Modalities
2.4 The Supervisor: An Historical Perspective
2.5 Leadership in Clinical Supervision
2.6 Challenges of Clinical Supervision: A Case Study
2.7 Strategic Planning Tools
2.8 Preventing Sexual Harassment

Section 3: Performance Domains

3.1 Counselor Development
3.2 Transference and Countertransference
3.3 Developing Competent Counselors
3.4 Professional / Ethical Standards of Case Management
3.5 Program Description Policy
3.6 Supervising Recovering Counselors
3.7 Policy and Organizational Design

Section 4: Appendices

A. Professional Quality of Life Scale (ProQOL)
B. TAP 21-­A Section III
C. TAP 21-­A Section IV
D. Confidentiality of AODA Patient Records (42 CFR part 2)