Distance Learning

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Distance learning is not easy. It requires mature, disciplined students.
And, it results in a better-performing individual.
Dr. Annette Schonder is one of those successful Breining Institute distance-learning program graduates, and here is her story: Dr. Annette in Dubai

Breining students and graduates, please, share your experiences.

Distance learning programs are not easy, but a recent U.S. Department of Education report concluded that adult distance learning students “performed better than those receiving face-to-face instruction.” (A copy of the U.S. Department of Education report is available here: Evaluation of Evidence-Based Practices in Online Learning.)

Breining Institute’s experience for over 30 years suggests that distance learning students are successful post-graduation because they need to have the maturity, motivation and discipline to complete assignments outside of a closely-monitored classroom environment.

We will appreciate if you, as a Breining Institute student and/or graduate, will please share your experiences – good and bad, successful and not successful – with others who may be considering this challenging, but rewarding, higher education approach.

If you submit your story here, we may make it available on our Facebook page, as well as our other social media pages and websites, in its full and excerpted versions.

Keep up the good work in this honorable profession.

Distance Learning Experiences
Please type your email address here.
Please retype your email address here.
Please let us know where you are currently (or were most recently) working, using the skills and education you obtained in a Breining certificate or degree program, and please include your job title and/or description.
Please share your experiences with distance learning, here. Good or bad, successful and not successful, your comments will be instructive to individuals contemplating this method of instruction.
Is there anything else you would like to share about your experiences in this profession? If yes, please do so here.
We would like to include your photo in our story about you. If you would like to share your photo, which may be included with any story that we post about your distance learning experiences, please upload it here.
To verify your identity as a Breining Institute student or graduate, please provide your birthdate and the last four digits of your social security number here.